Marketing Metrics that Matter (and how to avoid Random Acts of Marketing)

Marketing Metrics that Matter (and how to avoid Random Acts of Marketing)

I have the best job in the world. I get the privilege of talking with leaders of small and mid-size businesses about their growth plans and strategies. Each time I meet with someone, I learn something new. But I also notice a lot of recurring themes. One of those themes is metrics. Every time a conversation turns to marketing, it almost invariably, without fail, gets to the challenge of measuring marketing success.   (more…)
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Making Hay & Stashing Acorns: How growing businesses can maximize a good economy, but prepare for inevitable recession

Making Hay & Stashing Acorns: How growing businesses can maximize a good economy, but prepare for inevitable recession

Originally published by Minnesota Business Magazine. Republished here with permission. Those of us who lived through the dot-bomb and 2008 recessions will not soon forget the impact on our businesses, communities and families. Yet, when times are good, it's easy to operate as though growth and prosperity will always be in front of us. Wise business leaders know that - like squirrels hiding away nuts for the winter - it’s always a good idea to plan for leaner times, even while harvesting bumper crops. (more…)
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Brand Messaging Moments: How Your Brand Narrative Evolves as You Grow. Part 1.

Brand Messaging Moments: How Your Brand Narrative Evolves as You Grow. Part 1.

If you didn’t catch my last post, then please take a second and at least skim it. In it, I share what a brand narrative is, how to create one, and the potential ROI for your brand. That said, creating your brand narrative is never one and done. As your company grows, your brand narrative has to evolve. This allows you to keep up with new internal and external challenges that every growing brand faces. What milestones in your growth will affect your brand narrative? (more…)
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Why Create a Narrative for Your Brand?

Why Create a Narrative for Your Brand?

In 1962, the car rental company Avis was losing $3.2 million per year, and consistently losing to their main competitor Hertz. Then Avis changed their brand narrative and started embracing their position as number two in the market. Instead of trying to position themselves as better in the minds of prospects, they admitted they were number two and that it made them work harder. This convinced customers that they were going to get better service by choosing Avis. (more…)
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Lifecycle of a Brand: Building Stories that Start, Scale, Sustain, and Sell Businesses

Lifecycle of a Brand: Building Stories that Start, Scale, Sustain, and Sell Businesses

These Minnesota business owners have years of experience building businesses and building brands. They have perspectives from the "been there done that" side and the "still there, doing that" side. Learn how these entrepreneurs have shaped and reshaped their go-to-market strategies and stories through stages of growth and evolution. Get a founder’s perspective on marketing, brand, and maintaining focus and alignment through change. Gain real-world insights that will help you activate for today and plan for tomorrow. (more…)
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