Core Values

Our Core Values guide all of our decisions, behaviors, and relationships. 

We live these values with intention each day through our Authentic Actions.

Two women hugging and smiling

Our Core Values

Our core values define us. They are who we are, what we believe, how we behave, and what we are known for. As members of Authentic, we own these values and commit to living them out every day through our Authentic Actions.






Authentic Actions: How we live out our values

Our Authentic Actions make our Core Values tangible, and help us hold ourselves and each other accountable.

We believe. We set our sights on the goal and move forward. While we may need to adapt to changing terrain, we never lose sight of our North Star. We believe in our purpose, our people, and our plan. We believe we can, so we do.

Be Authentic.
We are real and approachable people. We bring our true, genuine, unique selves to work. We don’t pretend to be perfect or to have all the answers. We don’t try to be anyone other than the best version of ourselves.

Build trust.
We are intentional about fostering deep trusting relationships through transparency, vulnerability, and always keeping our word. We follow through on our commitments. We consistently under-promise and over-deliver.

Speak the truth.
We speak the truth with love, because we truly care. When something needs to be said to move the relationship or the business forward, we don’t hold back or delay. We speak plainly, concisely, and with empathy.

Lead confidently.
We are confident leaders. We instill confidence in our clients and colleagues by staying calm under pressure, keeping a positive perspective, and being resourceful to solve problems and find answers – often through the collective wisdom and experience of our team.

Embrace diversity.
We believe that the best workplaces, ideas, and solutions are achieved by drawing upon diverse perspectives and life experiences. We celebrate our differences and our common ground. Together, we cultivate a workplace that is safe, supportive, and welcoming for every member of our team and community.

Learn and teach.
We all have something to learn, and we all have something to teach. We are lifelong, curious, motivated learners. We are always exploring, experimenting, and adapting. And we are generous, humble, and gracious teachers – ready to share what we know to help others grow.

Listen well.
We are active listeners who give others space to be heard; without distraction or interruption, with open body language and sincere interest. We ask thoughtful, clarifying questions. We seek to understand ahead of being understood.

Seek feedback.
We seek out and welcome all kinds of feedback. We appreciate kudos, but we love critical feedback, because it gives us the opportunity to be better, stronger, and wiser. We ask for input regularly, and we receive it openly, without defensiveness.

Own your mistakes.
We are quick to admit when we’ve made a mistake or dropped the ball. We don’t make excuses, point fingers, or blame others or circumstances. We embrace grace to grow and do better next time.

Make it right.
We don’t always get it right, but we always work to make it right. We do everything in our power to correct the situation and restore the relationship. 

Go beyond.
We aren’t here to check the box or punch the clock. Our job descriptions and responsibilities aren’t the outer-limits of our contributions, but the starting point. We are always looking for ways to go beyond what is expected to deliver “Wow!” experiences and results – for our clients, colleagues, and community.

Care deeply.
We see one another as the people that we are, not just the work that we do. We care deeply about our clients and our colleagues. We celebrate happy moments and milestones. When someone in our community is struggling or hurting, we show up with empathy and encouragement. 

Welcome the stretch.
We don’t get comfortable with the status quo. We are always innovating, always growing, always evolving, always leading. We embrace the challenge of change, and we welcome the stretch of growth.

Be premier.
We never stop at “good enough”. We do everything with excellence, class, and attention to detail. We are a premier firm, and we hold ourselves to high standards: In our communication, our brand essence, and the experiences we create.

Be an active Ambassador.
We grow our business one relationship at a time, through continual engagement in our markets and on social media. We are all active networkers, content creators, and connectors. 

Raise your hand.
We don’t wait to be asked to fill a role, solve a problem, contribute to a project, etc. If we see an opportunity to add value, we raise our hand. We are proactive about elevating our role and responsibilities, and we find solutions to delegate or automate tasks that are holding us back.

Serve generously.
We prioritize our time to give back to our communities. We believe that beautiful, inspiring, valuable, amazing things happen when two or more people show up with willing hands and open hearts.

Get clear on expectations.
Alignment is everything. We regularly initiate conversations with our colleagues, clients, and partners about their expectations and ours, and we clarify until we are certain we’ve reached mutual understanding.

Respond with urgency.
People deserve a prompt response to their questions or concerns. If we are able to respond right away, we do so. At the very least, we acknowledge receipt, confirm we’re “on it” and keep everyone aligned on the status until resolved.

Ask for help.
We’re paid to be productive, so we don’t waste our time or talent staying stuck. We ask for the help we need, receive it humbly, and learn quickly.

Look around the corner.
We anticipate the next roadblock, issue, pain point – and we begin solving ahead of the need so that our growth is never stalled out because we weren’t prepared. We don’t allow how things have been to limit how things should be.

Compliment the competition.
We win without undermining our competitors. We’re gracious in acknowledging their good work. We compete to win – on our own reputation, not by disparaging theirs.

Debate, then align.
We love healthy debate. We disagree and challenge one another respectfully. We make the decision that is best for the business. And when a decision is made, we accept it and align around it. We walk out the door as one team and a united front.

Enjoy the ride!
What’s the point of all of this if we’re not having fun? We’re not the typical serious, stodgy consultancy. We like funny memes, costume parties, happy hours, pet photos, bundt cake, and conga lines. And we aren’t afraid to let the world see the real us.

p.s. No Jerks.
Life is short. So we don’t hire jerks or partner with bullies.