Professional services marketing tips from experienced fractional CMOs

Professional services marketing tips from experienced fractional CMOs

Professional services organizations face unique challenges with marketing. When your product is your people or expertise, elevating that expertise in your marketing efforts is critical. Firms have to share their thought leadership in a way that captures prospects’ attention and cultivates trusted relationships — all while keeping pace with developments in the industry and strategically allocating resources for maximum marketing impact.  We invited three Authentic Fractional CMOs™, Dee Heffernan, Sherry Rothenberg, and Tracy Steeno, to share marketing insights and recommendations for professional services organizations facing growth hurdles today. The panelists dive into the biggest growth challenges these firms face today,…
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Unlock the potential of a channel marketing strategy

Unlock the potential of a channel marketing strategy

Channel marketing can be an effective way for companies to scale their business growth and generate more sales. By using the right distribution channels, a business can reach new audiences and customers, leverage existing marketing programs, and improve profit margins. B2B companies may find traction working with resellers, while B2C companies can reach international audiences through the right distribution channels. (more…)
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Measure what’s meaningful: Advice for growing businesses

Measure what’s meaningful: Advice for growing businesses

There are a lot of things that marketers today could measure. But that doesn’t mean they should be measuring all of these. Marketing metrics should provide insight into how marketing is supporting business objectives and answer key questions from the CEO and sales leaders. (more…)
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In-house marketing vs. agency or freelancer: What’s best for you?

In-house marketing vs. agency or freelancer: What’s best for you?

There comes a time in every business’s lifecycle when it needs to invest in marketing to continue growing. Some of the most important decisions are when and who to hire to develop and manage your marketing programs. Your business has what seems like endless options: in-house marketing vs. agency, consultant, or freelancer. But these resources also vary in their seniority and experience in various functional areas (e.g., digital, content, analytics, traditional). Without strategic marketing leadership at the helm, it can feel impossible to make sense of all of the options available and which are the right resources for your business. In this…
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Agility: an essential ingredient for brand relevance in a changing world

Agility: an essential ingredient for brand relevance in a changing world

We are quickly approaching mid-year, and business leaders everywhere are thinking about how they move forward in an undefined new world. Whether a business has been booming, shuttered, or stalled, the second half of 2020 is going to be monumental in separating companies that will thrive from those that will merely survive. (more…)
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Allocating your resources in the right direction [SERVE•ival Part Two]

Allocating your resources in the right direction [SERVE•ival Part Two]

Crises often put businesses in one of two scenarios. They are either suddenly thrust into survival mode or, in some cases, the disruption of the crisis creates a growth opportunity. Regardless of how a crisis impacts a business, marketing and communication teams need to be ready to strategically allocate resources in the right direction, make quick decisions, and communicate clearly and frequently.  (more…)
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