Retaining Your Right-Fit Fractional CMO

Retaining Your Right-Fit Fractional CMO

Understanding Our Retainer Structure: Tailored Solutions for Your Marketing Needs At Authentic®, we specialize in providing Fractional Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with annual revenues ranging from $5 million to $100 million. Our CMOs are seasoned marketing executives who serve as the contract, part-time heads of marketing for our clients across diverse industries and business models. To help you understand how our retainer structure works and how we determine the best fit for your organization, let's delve into the details. Proactive and Structured Retainers Our engagement with clients is based on a monthly flat-rate retainer.…
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AI Readiness Part 2: Is Your Business Ready?

AI Readiness Part 2: Is Your Business Ready?

Assessing your business' readiness to embrace AI If you have been following this series, you may recall from the introductory article that there are two critical rules to understand as you consider AI applications in your business: AI technology is NOT a business strategy nor is it a technology strategy. It’s a tool. Commercial AI technology readiness is different from your business’ readiness to deploy AI.  Let’s talk about the initial gates you’ll need to move through for a successful AI deployment. There are three major challenges relating to readying your business for a successful AI tool adoption. (more…)
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AI Readiness Part 1: Yellow Blinking Lights Ahead

AI Readiness Part 1: Yellow Blinking Lights Ahead

Prepare for a speed check Where is your business with AI readiness today? If you believe every AI headline you read, you may be tempted to believe that your business is already way behind in the race for innovation. But before you hit the gas and start green-lighting AI across your organization, I suggest you yield to some common sense and long-standing business best practices.  (more…)
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Glossary: Revenue Team Roles

Glossary: Revenue Team Roles

Who’s responsible for what? Building and scaling a revenue team in an entrepreneurial business requires a solid understanding of each role’s responsibilities and how they evolve as the company grows. Initially, founders typically handle sales, bringing in new business to establish critical mass and eventually developing the first generation of a revenue team or function. (more…)
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Loot Rentals: Client Story

Loot Rentals: Client Story

Event furniture rental company hires Authentic to take its marketing to its next level with experienced leadership, strategic direction, and ruthless prioritization. “[Our Authentic Fractional CMO] helped us create a dashboard of metrics, so we could really see how the efforts were helping or hurting us, and how to use that information and data to move to the next level. She really spent a good deal of time helping us establish, ‘What are we trying to do here? Where are we going? How do we monitor that?’ So we know what’s working and what’s not working and how to get…
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The value of a fractional CMO: Quick impact and low risk

The value of a fractional CMO: Quick impact and low risk

The moment you realize: We need a marketing leader There's a point in a company growth cycle when businesses recognize that they need to invest in marketing for continued growth. Often these companies have been sales-driven until they realize they need a marketing leader dedicated to building brand awareness and driving meaningful engagement to support business objectives.  It's at this point that executives start considering how to fill this marketing role effectively. They’re often choosing between one of four options:  (more…)
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The power of the Authentic Mindshare™ and CMO peer community

The power of the Authentic Mindshare™ and CMO peer community

More than one CMO's expertise at work for your business Authentic clients get more than a solo consultant when they hire one of our fractional CMOs. They get the collective expertise of senior-level marketers and specialized marketing service providers with diverse experience across a variety of business models and industries, including B2B, B2C, and channel marketing for professional services, technology, manufacturing, finance, healthcare, consumer products, non-profits, and more. (more…)
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The Components of Authentic Growth™ Methodology

The Components of Authentic Growth™ Methodology

What is Authentic Growth™ Methodology? Authentic Growth™ Methodology is Authentic’s proven and proprietary marketing operating system that helps small and mid-sized, growth-focused businesses build strategic marketing departments and create alignment between sales and marketing. It’s a habit-forming system that teaches a simple, but powerful, set of components that drive alignment, accountability, and activation.  (more…)
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Integrated Cash Logistics: Client Story

Integrated Cash Logistics: Client Story

Cash management technology company Integrated Cash Logistics hires Authentic to increase brand awareness and supercharge growth. “Everything we’re doing is working. The content is driving eyeballs; the eyeballs are turning into real prospects that want to know how we can help them. This [engagement] has really poured fuel on the organization in terms of growth and hitting our targets.” Randy Hauserman, VP of Sales, Integrated Cash Logistics Hear more from Randy: Integrated Cash Logistics at a glance Business Type: Cash management technologyCategory: B2BHeadquarters: Wilmington, DelawareKey initiatives: Go-to-market strategy, brand messaging and design, content and digital strategy, metrics & reporting, agency management, martech The challenge…
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