ConvHERsations with Kristie Clayton Featuring Jennifer Zick

ConvHERsations with Kristie Clayton Featuring Jennifer Zick

Kristie Clayton of HERverse invited Authentic Founder & CEO Jennifer Zick to her ConvHERsations podcast where they engage in a dynamic conversation focusing on community building, personal growth, and empowering women in business. They discuss the significance of an abundance mindset and collaboration over competition, particularly in the context of virtual events during the pandemic. Jennifer reflects on her transition from a corporate job loss to entrepreneurship, motivated by a blend of emotions. She offers inspiration and practical advice for women facing similar challenges, highlighting the importance of processing emotions and taking bold steps forward. Key Takeaways Building strong communities…
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The Science of Fractional Marketing and The Secret Sauce of a W-2 Talent Pool

The Science of Fractional Marketing and The Secret Sauce of a W-2 Talent Pool

8 years ago, Jennifer Zick set out to create a new marketing standard. She noticed that marketing was becoming ever more chaotic through growth in new tools, channels, and models. She also saw the rise of marketing executives that could make phenomenal fractional leaders, and that fractional already existed for finance and back-office management, but not for marketing. So she combined the two - marketing expertise and a fractional modelworking relationship, to offer what is now Authentic, a marketing consultancy that helps growing businesses “Overcome Random Acts of Marketing®”. Both are crucial for every leader building their team, their org,…
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Closing Time podcast featuring Jennifer Zick

Closing Time podcast featuring Jennifer Zick

Random Acts of Marketing: Move Past it to Make Your B2B Marketing Strategy Work FOR You Our founder and CEO, Jennifer Zick, was recently the featured guest on the Closing Time podcast with host Chip House.  (more…)
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Do Good Work podcast featuring Jennifer Zick

Do Good Work podcast featuring Jennifer Zick

Creating Category Dominance Our founder and CEO, Jennifer Zick, was recently the featured guest on the Do Good Work podcast hosted by Raul Hernandez Ochoa.  Jennifer discussed how businesses can achieve category dominance when they start by building a solid marketing foundation that includes a strategy to help them overcome random acts of marketing.  Listen to the podcast Watch the conversation
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Talent Talks podcast featuring Jennifer Zick

Talent Talks podcast featuring Jennifer Zick

The Power of Shared Expertise Through Fractional Leadership w/ Jennifer Zick & Jim Hardwick Our founder and CEO, Jennifer Zick, was recently the guest on the Talent Talks podcast hosted by  Titus Talent Strategies, CEO & Visionary, Jonathan D. Reynolds.  Jennifer was joined by Jim Hardwick, Chief Community Officer of Sales Xceleration®. The team talked about sales and marketing fractional leadership, and why it's a smart approach that brings external expertise to organizations in a flexible and cost-effective manner. Additionally, the three also covered the importance of giving back, living life with no regrets, the tough lessons learned and what’s…
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