AI Readiness Part 3: Is AI Technology Ready for Your Commercial Use?

AI Readiness Part 3: Is AI Technology Ready for Your Commercial Use?

Assessing your business' readiness to use AI If you have been following this series, you may recall from the first blog that there are two critical principles to understand as you consider AI applications in your business: AI technology is NOT a business strategy nor is it a technology strategy. It’s a tool. Commercial AI technology readiness is different from your business’ readiness to deploy AI.  You may think you are already late to the AI adoption game or that 71% of businesses are using AI today. However, it’s important to assess your business’ readiness to use AI instead of…
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AI Readiness Part 2: Is Your Business Ready?

AI Readiness Part 2: Is Your Business Ready?

Assessing your business' readiness to embrace AI If you have been following this series, you may recall from the introductory article that there are two critical rules to understand as you consider AI applications in your business: AI technology is NOT a business strategy nor is it a technology strategy. It’s a tool. Commercial AI technology readiness is different from your business’ readiness to deploy AI.  Let’s talk about the initial gates you’ll need to move through for a successful AI deployment. There are three major challenges relating to readying your business for a successful AI tool adoption. (more…)
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AI Readiness Part 1: Yellow Blinking Lights Ahead

AI Readiness Part 1: Yellow Blinking Lights Ahead

Prepare for a speed check Where is your business with AI readiness today? If you believe every AI headline you read, you may be tempted to believe that your business is already way behind in the race for innovation. But before you hit the gas and start green-lighting AI across your organization, I suggest you yield to some common sense and long-standing business best practices.  (more…)
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