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20 years ago, when I first started my career in sales and marketing, most marketing capabilities were handled by agencies of record, those traditional agencies that provided the whole landscape of marketing execution capabilities, from advertising to events and sponsorships and PR.
But in the past 20 years, the landscape of marketing capabilities has changed dramatically and exponentially. And that traditional agency of record has really been challenged as a result, because one single source can’t possibly provide the thousands of different micro disciplines that marketing requires for today’s businesses. So while there are still traditional agencies, most of them have gotten very focused on one or two core capabilities like communications or change management or media relationships.
While other small disciplines have sprung up across all those little ninja marketing, execution talent areas, all those micro disciplines like search engine marketing, pay per click advertising, content strategy, customer journey mapping, all the different forms of digital that exist, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, the landscape continues to grow.
And so, while the agency of record concept isn’t completely dead, most growing businesses today rely on a community of micro discipline experts. And that expertise is strongest when it’s focused. And so today’s challenge for business owners that are growing and business leaders is how to navigate that very diverse and very complex and ever changing landscape of capabilities to bring the right solutions to the marketing strategy at any given time.